WALGA supports the planning and building functions of Local Governments by providing access to the following resources:
- Guides and templates: Explore our range of guides, including best practice guidelines and practice notes, to assist Local Governments in their planning and building functions.
- Case notes: Browse our case summaries covering recent decisions of the State Administrative Tribunal on local government planning and building matters.
- Council Determined Development Applications Report (2025)
- Tree Retention Model Local Planning Policy Advice (2024)
- Local Planning Policy Guideline - Unhosted Short-Term Rental Accommodation (2024)
- Local Planning Policy Guide
- Local Government Approaches to Tree Retention Issues Paper for Legal Advice (2023)
- Local Government Approaches to Tree Retention Issues Paper (2022)
- Supporting the Trajectory for Low Energy Buildings Discussion Paper (2022)
- Guideline for Car Parking (2020)
- Model Process for Illegal Dumping (2019)
- Guideline for Standard Development Conditions (2019)
- Better Urban Forest Planning (2018)
- Practice Note for Swimming Pools and Spas Decommission and Removal (2018)
- Guideline for Alcohol Outlets (2017)
- Guideline for Housing Strategies (2017)
- Guideline for Local Heritage Strategies (2017)
- Guideline for Residential Crossovers (2017)
- Guideline for Scheme Amendments (2017)
- Legal Issues Paper - Disclosing Hazard Information
- Model Local Planning Policy for Advertising (2016)
- Model Local Planning Policy for Landscape Entry Statements (2014)
- Waste Management Plan Guidelines for Commercial and Industrial Development
- Waste Management Plan Guidelines for Multiple Dwellings (2021)
- Guideline for Climate Change Adaptation (2012)
- Lawrence and City of Rockingham
- Carrooda Pty Ltd and City of Gosnells
- ALH Group Property Holdings Pty Ltd and Presiding Member of the Metro Central JDAP
- Arise Rockingham and Metro South West JDAP
- Aston and Western Australian Planning Commission
- Australian Unity Diversified Property Fund and City of Busselton
- Baker Investments Pty Ltd and City of Vincent
- Bennett and Western Australian Planning Commission
- Bestry Property Group Pty Ltd and the WAPC
- Bethanie Group Inc and Metro Northwest JDAP
- Bilecki and WAPC
- Bio-Organics Pty Ltd and the Chief Executive Officer, Department of Water and Environmental Regulations
- Boynton and Western Australian Planning Commission
- Harmanis Holdings No.2 Pty Ltd and WAPC
- John Cranston and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale
- John Nominees and Presiding Member of Metro East JDAP
- Juran and City of Armadale
- Kemstone Investments Pty Ltd and City of Joondalup
- Kogon and City of Vincent
- Nguyen and City of Bunbury
- O'Sullivan and City of Subiaco
- Prosser and City of Bunbury
- Rando and City of Gosnells
- Rigg and Western Australian Planning Commission
- Robertson and City of Albany
- Roe and City of Vincent
- West Australian Shalom Group Inc and City of Swan
- Shaw and City of Stirling
- Shri Shirdi Sainath Perth Inc and City of Gosnells
- Radha Soami Satsang Beas Australia and City of Swan
- Warden and Mosman Park
- Wingfield and City of Bayswater