
Model Local Planning Policy and Explanatory Notes

The Model Policy and Explanatory Notes have been developed by WALGA and reviewed by external consultants. The purpose of the Model Policy is to inform external parties of Local Government's expectation that waste avoidance and resource recovery considerations will be addressed in the construction, demolition and on-going operation of future developments.

The Explanatory Notes have been developed so that they can be used by Planning Officers to gain an understanding of the background to this issue, as well as forming the basis of a Report to Council requesting endorsement of the Policy.

This project is funded by the Waste Authority though the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Account.

Planning Conditions - Flow Chart

WALGA has undertaken an extensive review of the waste management planning conditions attached to various development approvals by Local Governments as well as through Development Assessment Panels and used these as a basis to draft model conditions.

WALGA has received legal advice on the wording of the model conditions to ensure they can pass the four tests of validity and achieve the desired waste management planning outcomes.

Guidelines for Waste Management Plans

The Guidelines provide guidance on how to incorporate best practice principles into different aspects of the waste management planning process. Details are provided on calculating predicted waste volumes, how to manage specific waste streams, as well as the selection and design of waste infrastructure to ensure that is it safe, practical and works towards maximising the diversion of recyclables and organics.

The Guidelines also contain a checklist and a pro-forma for the preparation of waste management plans by developers. Following consultation, the Guidelines will be updated to include case studies and useful imagery prior to their official release.

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