

Local Governments play a major role in the local and State economy through their efforts to drive economic development outcomes.

Through investment attraction, destination marketing and business support, Local Governments focus on economic development to deliver improved standards of living and increase wellbeing for local communities.

WALGA Economics Support

WALGA understands the important role Local Governments play in growing and supporting their local economies. Our Economics team collaborate with a range of stakeholders, including Small Business Development Corporation and Economic Development Australia, to support Local Governments in delivering great outcomes for their communities.


How WALGA supports better outcomes for WA Local Governments

  • Economic briefings: the briefing provides the latest information on the Local Government Cost Index, and articles on topical issues affecting the Western Australian economy.
  • Economic development framework: a conceptual framework to help Local Governments understand their role in economic development and have a practical resource to assist them in developing their economic development strategies.
  • Advocacy and representation: WALGA advocates for Local Governments in economic development policy matters, through the development of advocacy positions, submissions and discussion papers on key legislation and policy changes. 
  • Capacity building events: WALGA hosts a range of webinars and events to build the capacity and knowledge of economic development practitioners in Local Government.

Our Focus Areas

Subscribe to Economic Briefings

Subscribe to Economic Briefings

WALGA’s Quarterly Economic Briefing offers comprehensive information on the Local Government Cost Index, along with broader insights on the West Australian economy. 

Local Governments talking

Economic Development Network

The WALGA Economic Development Network brings together Local Government economic development practitioners from across the state, providing you the chance to ask questions, share wins and provide feedback on economic development work at WALGA.

Complete the form below to join the Teams Group.

contact economics

Contact us

Contact the WALGA Economics team

  • Call (08) 9213 2000 (between 8.30am - 4.30pm AWST)
  • Email us by filling out the contact form below
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