Climate Change

WALGA Climate Change Policy Position

Local Government acknowledges:

  1. The science is clear: climate change is occurring and greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are the dominant cause.
  2. Climate change threatens human societies and the Earth’s ecosystems.
  3. Urgent action is required to reduce emissions, and to adapt to the impacts from climate change that are now unavoidable.
  4. A failure to adequately address this climate change emergency places an unacceptable burden on future generations.

Local Government is committed to addressing climate change.

Local Government is calling for:

  1. Strong climate change action, leadership and coordination at all levels of government.
  2. Effective and adequately funded Commonwealth and State Government climate change policies and programs. 

The policy positions above come from WALGA's Policy Statement on Climate Change (2018).

This Policy Statement was endorsed by State Council on Wednesday, 4 July 2018, following extensive consultation with the sector over the last six months, including a Climate Change Policy Statement Discussion Paper and draft WALGA Climate Change Policy provided for sector feedback.

The previous Policy Statement was endorsed by State Council in 2009 and it was recognised that the statement required updating to take account of significant developments in scientific understanding of climate change, international and national political developments, and the increasing urgency for effective climate change adaptation and mitigation action.

The overwhelming response from Councils, elected members and officers was supportive of producing a stronger climate change policy statement. The revised Policy Statement represents the consolidated view of the sector and forms the basis of WALGA’s climate change advocacy. It does not bind individual Local Governments.

Climate Change Declaration Signatories

Local Governments from across Western Australia have committed to WALGA’s Climate Change Declaration that demonstrates their acknowledgment of the impacts of climate change and their commitment to developing locally appropriate mitigation and adaptation strategies to manage climate change.

To date, 60 Local Governments have signed the Climate Change Declaration, representing over 87% of Western Australia’s population. WALGA encourages all Local Governments to become signatories of the Declaration, which will further support WALGA to advocate for the appropriate funding and development of legislative mechanisms to support Local Government climate change management.

WALGA's Carbon Reduction Efforts

WALGA headquarters in West Leederville was officially operational on 20 January 2014. The Office achieved a five star Green Star Design rating, and a six star NABERS energy rating. Further information is set out in the documents below:

WALGA Training - Climate Risk Assessment

This one-day in-person course has been designed for Local Government Officers involved in responding to climate change, by providing the skills and knowledge required to complete a first pass climate change risk assessment and corporate adaptation action planning.

Using case study information from their own organisation or region, participants will have the opportunity to complete steps of a climate risk assessment during the training, to enhance their learning outcomes and gain the confidence to replicate this in real world scenarios. 

To get more information and find out when the next course is scheduled for, please click on the below link:

WALGA provides the following Climate Change information for Local Governments

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