There are a number of hazardous chemicals and materials in your home which must not go into any of your kerbside collection bins. If these items are not properly disposed of, they can cause harm to your family, pets or the environment.
Safely dispose of your unwanted household chemicals and hazardous materials for FREE at any of the 15 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Permanent Facilities in WA. Check your local facility's open times to find a time that is convenient for you to drop off your HHW.
You do not need to be a resident of the Local Government managing the HHW Facilities to be able to drop off your HHW for free.
Household Hazardous Waste Permanent Facilities
Metropolitan Facilities
HHW Facility | Managed By | Location | Hours of Operation | Contact |
Armadale Landfill and Recycling Facility | City of Armadale | 145 Hopkinson Road Hilbert (entry from roundabout at Gloaming Way) | 8:00am - 4:45pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday, and closes by noon on Christmas Eve & New Years Eve) | 9399 3935 |
Balcatta - Recycling Centre | City of Stirling | 238 Balcatta Road, Balcatta | 7:30am - 4:00pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9205 8555 |
Canning - Waste Transfer Station | City of Canning | 81 Ranford Road, Canning Vale | 8:00am - 4:30pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 1300 422 664 |
Fremantle Recycling Centre | City of Fremantle | 19A Montreal Street, Fremantle | Friday:12:00 - 4:00pm Closed on Public Holidays | 1300 693 736 |
Henderson Waste Recovery Park | City of Cockburn | 48 Dalison Avenue, Wattleup | Open 8:00am - 4:00pm Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri, Sat, Sun (Closed Wed) (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9411 3444 |
Red Hill Waste Management Facility | Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council | 1094 Toodyay Road, Red Hill | 8:00am - 4:00pm Mon to Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm Sat 10am - 4:00pm Sun (Closed Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9574 6235 or 9574 6447 |
Rockingham - Millar Road Landfill and Recycling Facility | City of Rockingham | 204 Millar Road West, Baldivis | 7:30am - 4:00pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday) | 9528 0333 |
Tamala Park Waste Management Facility | Mindarie Regional Council | 1700 Marmion Avenue, Mindarie | 8:00am - 4:45pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9306 6303 |
West Metro Recycling Centre | Western Metropolitan Regional Council | Cnr Lemnos Street and Brockway Road, Shenton Park | 7:30am - 4:00pm Mon to Fri 8:00am - 4:00pm Weekends 7:30am - 2:00pm Public Holidays (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day, Good Friday and Easter Sunday) | 9384 6711 |
Non Metropolitan Facilities
HHW Facility | Managed By | Location | Hours of Operation | Contact |
Albany - Hanrahan Road Waste Facility | City of Albany | Hanrahan Road, Albany | 8:30am - 4:15pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday) | 6820 3915 |
Bunbury - Stanley Road Waste Management Facility | Bunbury – Harvey Regional Council | Stanley Road, Australind | 8:00am - 5:00pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9797 2404 |
Geraldton - Meru Waste Disposal Facility | City of Greater Geraldton | Landfill Lane, off Goulds Road, Narngulu | 7:30am - 4:30pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9923 3188 |
Karratha - 7 Mile Waste Facility | City of Karratha | Exploration Drive, Gap Ridge | 7:00am - 4:30pm 7 days (Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday) | 9186 8610 |
Mandurah Waste Management Centre | City of Mandurah | 80 Corsican Place, Parklands | 7:00am - 4:00pm Monday to Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Weekends and Public holidays (Closed Christmas Day and Good Friday) | 9587 4660 |
Toodyay - Railway Road Transfer Station | Shire of Toodyay | Railway Road, Toodyay | 8:00am - 12:00pm 7 days (Closed Good Friday, Anzac Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Years Day) | 9574 2661 |
What can be disposed of at HHW Permanent Facilities and Drop Off Days?
- Acids and alkalis
- Aerosols
- Batteries - household (tape terminals)
- Batteries - lithium ion (does not include any embedded batteries which cannot be removed from the device, or electric vehicle (EV) batteries)
- Engine coolants and glycols
- Fire extinguishers - Non halon only
- Flammables
- Flares
- Fluorescent lamps and tubes (CFLs)
- Gas cylinders (BBQ & small leisure or camping LPGs, butane canisters and disposable helium cylinders only)
- Household chemicals (e.g. cleaners)
- Paint
- Pesticides/herbicides
- Poisons/toxics
- Pool chemicals
- Smoke detectors
- Unknown chemicals must be in sealed, chemical resistant containers.
Only domestic waste will be accepted. Limit 20kg or litres per material type.
* Please check with your local waste facility or Local Government to see if any of the below materials are accepted through other programs
- Asbestos
- Commercial, business, laboratory, farm or industrial waste
- Cooking oil
- E-cigarettes/vapes
- Electronic waste or batteries embedded in products
- EPIRBs and PLBs
- EV Batteries
- Explosives, ammunition and firearms
- Fire extinguishers - Halon (often yellow, also known as BCF)
- Gas cylinders excluded:
- Car LPG tanks
- Large gas cylinders (such as 45kg LPG gas bottles) (contact the manufacturer for return options)
- Nitrous oxide canisters, "nangs"of any size
- Other gas chemistries (contact the manufacturer for return options)
- Sodastream canisters (return to purchase locations/contact Sodastream for return options)
- CO₂ cylinders of other types (take back to supplier/manufacturer for return options).
- Medications and pharmaceuticals
- Mobile phones (take to a phone retailer for MobileMuster drop off)
- Motor oil
- Printer cartridges/toners
- Sharps and needles
- Tyres
For more information on the Household Hazardous Waste Program, contact the Waste Management Project Coordinator or phone WALGA on (08) 9213 2000.
Download the HHW Program flyer