Better Practice Charity Bin Management
WALGA has developed Better Practice Guidelines on the management of charity bins within Local Government areas, in order to:
- Reduce litter and illegal dumping
- Simplify Local Government operations
- Encourage the diversion of reusable materials through charity collections.
Better Practice Optical Surveillance Devices (aka CCTV)
WALGA has developed Better Practice Guidelines on the use of Optical Surveillance Devices (aka CCTV) to combat littering and illegal dumping.
Illegal dumping is becoming an increasing issue for Local Government. The incidence and cost is increasing in line with growing population, community expectation and disposal costs. With changing technology, there are new ways to address this issue and identify those committing the offence. The Better Practice Guideline focuses on how Optical Surveillance Devices can be used and the specific legal and practical issues relevant to its use as a means of combating littering and illegal dumping. The Guideline also includes case studies and opportunities for Local Government to work with State Government on this issue.
This project was funded by the Waste Authority through the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Account.
Better Practice Guideline on the use of Optical Surveillance Devices
Shopping trolleys
MWAC has developed a short Background Paper on illegal dumping of shopping trolleys. The Paper that has been developed to identify the impact of illegal dumping of shopping trolleys and what Local Government can do to help address the issue.
Research indicates that illegal dumping of shopping trolleys is a small but persistent illegal dumping issue for Local Government. The Report identifies a number of recommendations to respond to illegal dumping of shopping trolleys, including engagement with retailers and compliance options. Local Governments have authority through various legislative instruments to address illegal dumping of shopping trolleys, including the Activities in Thoroughfares and Public Places Local Law, the Local Government Act 1995 and the Litter Act 1979.