WALGA represents the Local Government sector on a number of transport and road related committees and working groups.
The committee provides advice to Government authorities on initiatives relating to the efficient and safe transport or movement of agricultural vehicles on public roads in Western Australia.
The committee assesses new applications for children’s crossings, reviews the need for and infrastructure requirements of existing children’s crossings, and makes policy recommendations to the Minister for Police regarding children’s crossings on public roads in Western Australia.
The Pastoral Animal Hazard Advisory Group meets on a biannual basis with the objective of bringing together key stakeholders to reduce the incidence of stock related crashes on the WA road network.
The sub-committee provides a forum to discuss and analyse operational management of railway crossing control in Western Australia, monitors incident data, identifies policy improvements to railway management in WA, and provides advice to the Strategy and Policy Railway Crossing Protection Committee.
The Department of Transport provides two grant programs to Local Governments for the planning and construction of the Perth Bicycle Network and the Regional Bicycle Network.
The Department of Transport operates the Recreational Boating Facilities Scheme that provides grants to State authorities and Local Governments for the development of public recreational boating facilities in Western Australia.
The Department of Transport operates the Regional Airport Development Scheme that provides grants to improve airport infrastructure in regional Western Australia. WALGA represents the Local Government sector on the grant assessment panel to determine funding distribution.
The group provides a forum to discuss strategy related to the supply, policy, legislation and protection of road building gravel resources across the State.
The sub-committee provides a forum to discuss, review and set policy for the control of all road and rail users at public and non-public road crossings on all rail systems in Western Australia.
The advisory group provides a forum to discuss and review traffic management at events on all public roads in Western Australia; make recommendations to improve the Traffic Management for Events Code of Practice; and work to improve the standards of traffic management at events. WALGA represents the Local Government sector on the advisory group and other members include Main Roads WA (chair); Department of Sport and Recreation; Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia (WA division); WA Cycling Federation; WA Sports Federation; WA Police; Events Corp. WA; and Traffic Management Services Industry.
The advisory group provides a forum to discuss and review traffic management at road work sites on all public roads in Western Australia, make recommendations to improve the Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice, and work to improve the standards of the traffic management industry in Western Australia.
The committee provides a forum to discuss the installation, maintenance, design, and governance of services in the road reserve including the Utility Providers Code of Practice.
The group comprises Executive or Director level representatives from across government agencies and industry to progress strategic initiatives that support and encourage bike riding in WA.
The Local Government Active Transport Reference Group is composed of Local Government practitioners in the Active Transport area. The primary objectives of the committee is to provide input and make recommendations on strategic or other Active Transport issues and provide sector input and direction to WALGA advocacy efforts.
The group provides a forum to share information on road pavement and materials engineering and the group has compiled various design guidelines and construction specifications.
The forum facilitates the resolution of operational issues between Western Power and Local Government.
The IPWEA Asset Management Committee is composed of Local Government Asset Management practitioners, consultants, and software providers and provides a forum for the discussion of issues relating to asset management. The Committee also provides training for Local Government practitioners and organises events to support the uptake of best practices in asset management.
This committee supports the ongoing implementation of the Main Roads Intelligent Transport Systems Master Plan with especial focus on the integration of new technologies in the WA context.
The Department of Transport convened the Working Group to provide strategic oversight to the development and implementation of a Movement and Place framework for WA.

Contact us
If you would like to join any of the above committees, contact our team today!