Local Biodiversity and Native Vegetation Management Project

Local Governments have an important role in managing native vegetation and biodiversity as decision-makers and land managers.

WALGA applied for, and has received funding, from the State Natural Resource Management (NRM) Program, for the Local Government Biodiversity and Native Vegetation Management Project (the Project). The Project will operate between March 2023 and December 2024, delivering a range of resources, including a roadside vegetation management e-training module and funding to Local Governments via a devolved grants program.

Thirteen Local Governments were successful in their application via two rounds of a devolved grants program. Eight Local Governments received funding to support the development of Local Biodiversity Strategies or Local Planning Policies and eight are undertaking biodiversity inventories of priority reserves and roadsides.

Biodiversity inventories (May 2023) for selected Local Government reserves and local roads are available for eligible Local Governments across the South West of Western Australia (check list in the Funding Guidelines). 

WALGA provides advice on a range of issues relating to native vegetation and biodiversity, including sharing the best practice approaches via Environmental Events.

For further information email: [email protected]

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