Carli Bailey
Contract Manager, Commercial Management
08 9213 2045
WALGA’s Preferred Supplier Program (PSP) is developed through Requests For Tender (RFT). To be invited to a Tender process WALGA is guided by the demand of its Members.
An endorsement from a Local Government is required to be invited into the next Request to prequalify on the Preferred Supplier Program.
Local Government endorsements can be sent through to: [email protected].
Our RFT processes to onboard new suppliers occurs twice a year. Where there is a relevant category of supply and a Member endorsement suppliers will receive an invitation to Tender.
Please continue to engage with WA Local Governments as it is not mandatory for Local Governments to use WALGA Preferred Supply, we are one of many procurement options they can access. If a Local Government goes to public tender, these are usually advertised in the West Australian on a Wednesday and Saturday and published on their website.
Suppliers should be aware that there are a number of final approval steps reviewed prior to being offered any invitation into a prequalification process. Additionally, in the case of suppliers who were previously contracted to the PSP, this may result in additional discussion to ascertain suitability.
Please note the March 2025 RFT process is underway. To be included in the August 2025 RFT endorsements must be received by COB 31st July 2025.
Where new categories of supply are developed, and where there is strong demand for additional suppliers in an existing category of supply, WALGA generally invites public tenders.
For existing categories of supply, WALGA runs RFT processes to prequalify additional suppliers twice a year, or on an as-need basis.
For a supplier to be invited into a RFT process WALGA has requested they obtain an endorsement from a Member Local Government. This is to ensure the PSP remains Member-driven and reflects the needs and demands of Local Governments.
The endorsement is a form of reference that should be brief, but include the following information:
The endorsement can be an email outlining which products/services the Local Government are currently using and/or would like to access via the WALGA Preferred Supplier Panels.
Local Government endorsements can be sent by Member Local Governments to: [email protected]
WALGA does not receive endorsements directly from commercial suppliers.
The volume of companies contacting WALGA seeking Preferred Supplier status far exceeds the number of suppliers currently contracted. As a Member focused organisation the relevance and balance of the panels need to directly meet Member requirements as much as possible. The wrong mix of suppliers can make the Panels difficult to navigate or offer insufficient supply options in the right category areas. WALGA also has limited resources to conduct tenders and contract manage its Panels, so Member based endorsement ensures WALGA prioritises suppliers who are going to be utilised by Members.
The PSP has minimum qualitative standards which must be met for prequalification. These are assessed through the Tender process.
The PSP Tender is an objective procurement process. Without compliance to the due diligence requirements, and assessment against a scope of services to evidence organisational resources (capacity) and capability to supply then the supplier may not be recommended to the Program.
WALGA may also prioritise areas of demand or take other factors into account when considering the composition of a Panel. For example, if a category of supply is already overrepresented by too many suppliers and the category is not being sufficiently utilised, further review may be undertaken prior to considering issuing an invite to Tender.
Suppliers should be aware that there are a number of final approval steps reviewed prior to being offered any invitation into a prequalification process. Additionally, in the case of suppliers who were previously Contracted to the PSP, this may result in additional discussion to ascertain suitability.
WALGA will issue a Public Tender to the open market for a new category development and for activity that incurs a significant change to scope or market conditions. WALGA may also issue public tenders for areas of high demand and where there are insufficient supply options available for Members to obtain a minimum number of quotations.
In some instances WALGA may invite tenders resulting from policy and project work and from other avenues of referral where a significant Member benefit can be identified.
WALGA’s regular RFT processes to onboard new suppliers occur twice a year (currently in February and August). Urgent ad-hoc Tenders may result where critical circumstances are identified. The WALGA Tender is generally open to the market for a period of four to six weeks. Depending on the number of submissions the evaluation period can also take up to three months. The contracting of suppliers is dependent on the complexity of the tender and the time required for suppliers to review and accept contract terms. The contracts are immediately implemented when signed and progressively added to eQuotes (VendorPanel).
On average it can be expected that there is a three to five month period between opening a Tender and activating a new Preferred Supplier Contract.
All Local Government media buying and placement will be centralised through this Preferred Supply Contract.
This includes the production and despatch of classified / transaction advertising including recruitment, statutory notices and community advertising.
Service Offering
This Preferred Supply Contract provides for Advertising Placement and Media Buying. The scope of services delivered under this category include:
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Audio Visual
BSSS Maintenance & Support
Business Systems Software & Associated Services
CCTV, Hardware, Systems & Networks
Consultancy - ICT Management
Consultancy - Technical
Cyber Security Services
Data (Wide Area Network)
Data Centre Services
ICT Products, Hardware & Associated Consultancy
Managed ICT Services
Microsoft Enterprise Agreements
Microsoft Open Licences and Cloud Solutions
Mobile Device Management
Mobile Voice and Data
NBN Services
Physical Records, Document Management & Digitisation
Printing and Business Machines, Systems and Consumables
Private Fibre (Dark Fibre)
Satellite Services
Telecommunications Fixed Voice
Telecommunications Hardware
Unified Communications
Video Conferencing
Web Development & Apps
Wireless Data Services
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Asset Management Services
Geospatial Data Mapping and Reporting
Human Resource (HR) Management Services
Organisational & Workforce Management Services
Town Planning & Related Services
Tender Management Services
Valuation Services
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Electrical Contracting Services
Emergency Waste Services
Energy Supply
EV Charging Infrastructure
Hazardous Waste Management
Landfill and Transfer Station Management Services
Resource Recovery
Sustainable Energy Infrastructure
Sustainable Offset Services
Waste Collection Services
Waste Containers and Associated Services and Products
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Works can include, Minor /Major Civil Works / Earthworks / Plant Hire / Drainage / Erosion Control / Potholes / Kerbing / Footpaths / Crack Sealing.
Services can include, Utility Location / Line Marking / Sweeping / Public Lighting Maintenance and Installation / Traffic Management / Traffic Signals.
Materials can include, Gravel / Road Building Materials eg Bitumen/ Concrete Drainage Products/ Barriers / Road Marking Supplies.
Consultancy Services are excluded from this Panel.
Pricing and Conditions of Contract for this arrangement are available within eQuotes/VendorPanel.
Members must reference the WALGA contract and related Member conditions in all communications with Preferred Suppliers to ensure they are compliant with the WALGA exemption to the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations, 1996.
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