The Urban Greening Grant Program provides $3.75 million (ex GST) to support additional tree and understorey planting for the 33 Local Governments located in the Boorloo (Perth) and Bindjareb (Peel) regions.
Funded by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) and delivered in collaboration with WALGA, the program aims to expand tree canopy and vegetative cover in high urban heat areas to help address the impacts of climate change, provide for biodiversity and improve the liveability of neighbourhoods.
The Urban Greening Grant Program successfully delivered three rounds of funding and has now closed. A total of 26 of the 33 eligible LGs successfully secured funding, with 43 planting projects funded across the three rounds. Collectively, the program will see over 33,000 trees and 260,000 understorey species planted across winter 2024 and winter 2025.
WALGA is advocating for an expanded Urban Greening Grant Program for the sector of $40 million over the next decade as part of the 2025 State Election campaign.
Details of the successful Round Three recipients
Round Three awarded a total of $1.6 million across 16 Local Governments; Bayswater, Belmont, Cambridge, Canning, Cottesloe, Fremantle, Gosnells, Joondalup, Kalamunda, Kwinana, Melville, Mundaring, Murray, Rockingham, Serpentine Jarrahdale and Swan.
These Local Governments will plant over 5,400 trees and 238,700 understorey species in winter 2025. Key outcomes include planting of food and habitat species for endangered black cockatoos, and the development of ecological linkages to remnant bushland, river and coastal reserves.
Plantings will enhance the liveability of communities, providing shade and cooling along verges of major arterial roads, key pedestrian and cycling networks, central business districts, parks and reserves, and low canopy residential areas.
Several Local Governments will offer community and school planting events as part of project delivery.
The Round Three Grant Guidelines can be viewed here.
Local Government | Project Title | Project Summary | Total Funding Awarded (ex GST) |
Bayswater | Crimea Street Naturescape | The project will green Crimea Street and create an ecological linkage with nearby bushland, including Lightning Swamp banksia woodland. | $50,620 |
Belmont | Brearley Avenue Living Stream | The project will re-naturalise a 200m section of the Water Corporation's Airport Southern Main Drain, unlocking a fenced area of drainage infrastructure and integrating it with the surrounding public open space for the community to enjoy. | $334,458 |
Cambridge | Galup (Lake Monger) Greening Acceleration | The project will revegetate Galup (Lake Monger Reserve) with wetland and dryland species, improving the ecological value of the reserve, lake water quality, recreational opportunities and visitors connection with nature. | $151,327 |
Canning | Urban Greening Willetton | The project will green four recreation parks within the suburb of Willetton; Portcullis Park, Kennon Park, Hilltop Park and Bellona Walkway, providing shade along the cycling and walkikng network and creating an ecological linkage between areas of remnant native vegatation. | $92,678 |
Cottesloe | South Cottesloe Ecological Link | The project will create a green linkage along the railway line between natural areas in Cottesloe and Mosman Park, and provide shade to users of the adjecent Perth to Fremantle Principal Shared Path, including students of Beehive Montessori school. | $21,066 |
Fremantle | Greenlinks Marine Terrace | The project will complete the Marine Terrace green links area, which aims to connect green spaces and areas of biodiversity, and encourage walking and cycling between activity centres. | $184,757 |
Gosnells | Yule Brook College native canopy and biodiversity project | The project will green the area surrounding Yule Brook College, providing shade for students and residents, and increasing biodiversity. | $60,907 |
Joondalup | Greening the Joondalup City Centre | The project will green the streetscapes of the Joondalup City Centre and revegetate a section of Yellagonga Recreation Park, enhancing ecological linkages with a significant natural area. | $54,971 |
Kalamunda | Sustainable Streets: Planting for a Resilient Kalamunda | The project will establish new street trees on residential verges within the low canopy suburbs of Forrestfield, Wattle Grove and High Wycombe, accelerating canopy development and cooling pathways and adjacent properties. | $35,612 |
Kwinana | Bertram Street Tree Planting | The project will plant trees in parks and street trees in the suburb of Bertram, an area with high density housing, low canopy cover and high urban heat. | $89,394 |
Melville | Piney Lakes Fauna Habitat Enhancement | The project will increase the number of large habitat trees to support forage and roost habitat for fauna such as Black Cookatoos and Brushtail Possums within Piney Lakes reserve, a popular recreational area for the local community. | $13,000 |
Mundaring | Greening Our Community Tree Initiative | The project will establish new street trees on residential verges within the low canopy suburbs at the foothills of the Darling Range, including Greenmount and Swan Valley, increasing canopy cover and strengthening ecological connectivity with John Forrest National Park. | $82,953 |
Murray | Urban Greening Tree Planting | The project will increase urban canopy cover along roads that link to shopping centres, school, parks, playgrounds and community centres, providing shade and promoting the use of active transport by the local community. | $15,000 |
Rockingham | Greening the Baldivis Streetscapes | The project will establish trees and understorey vegetation across low canopy, high heat key road networks in Baldivis, providing shade along pathways that connect with Baldivis Primary School, shopping centres, medical centres and parks. | $303,526 |
Serpentine Jarrahdale | Street Trees and Rain Gardens in Marri Park, Byford | The project will establish trees in the Marri Park subdivision, increasing canopy cover of streetscapes and public open space, and creating new rain gardens in drainage areas to filter stormwater. | $27,283 |
Swan | Tree Canopy - Street Tree Planting | The project will accelerate the development of tree canopy in Bennett Springs, a low canopy residential area that forms part of the City of Swan's Urban Growth Corridor for residential development. | $76,616 |