Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA) Improvement Program

Pilot Project and Expression of Interest

In partnership with DFES, WALGA is initiating a pilot project to test and refine new templates and resources to support Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA). Participation is sought from four Local Governments of different sizes and locations. The developed and piloted approaches will inform the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) rollout of a more suitable LEMA model. 

Eligibility Criteria for Pilot Participation: 

  • LEMA is due or overdue for renewal 
  • Not receiving All West Australia Reducing Emergencies (AWARE) funding for LEMA development 
  • Willingness to collaborate with WALGA over several months to achieve LEMA endorsement 

Applications close on 17 February 2025. 

For further information or to express your interest in the pilot project, please contact Catherine Feeney, Project Lead - LEMA Improvement Program at WALGA. 


What are LEMA? 

Under the Emergency Management Act 2005, Local Governments must have Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA) in place. These include all emergency management plans, agreements, and documents, supporting coordinated responses during emergencies. 

Local Governments develop, maintain, and test these arrangements to enhance community resilience across all phases of emergency management: 

  • Prevention/Mitigation 
  • Preparedness 
  • Response 
  • Recovery 

The LEMA Improvement Program 

The State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC) initiated the LEMA Improvement Program to enhance the capability and resilience of communities in Western Australia. This Program implements key activities outlined in the   WALGA LEMA Review Project Summary, which is founded on extensive consultations with Local Governments. 

The LEMA Improvement Program represents a collaborative partnership between WALGA and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES), acting on behalf of the SEMC. 

LEMA Improvement Program Highlights 

Importance of Local Government Involvement  

Mid 2024 WALGA established a Local Government LEMA Working Group with representatives from 10 diverse Local Governments. This group collaborates monthly to develop and inform new local emergency management resources, tools, and guidance material, including: 

  • Local Government Incident Support Handbook 
  • Local Government Emergency Management Policy Template 
  • Local Government Emergency Management Action Plan  

Recommendations Report 

In late 2024, WALGA submitted a detailed LEMA Recommendations Report to the LEMA Improvement Board, incorporating feedback from WA Local Governments. Key recommendations include: 

  • Improving Local Emergency Management guidelines 
  • Defining roles and responsibilities more clearly 
  • Adjusting local emergency processes, guidelines, and templates 
  • Creating an online knowledge hub for statewide emergency management practices 

Important Notice 

Until LEMA reforms are fully implemented, continue with your scheduled LEMA reviews to comply with the Emergency Management Act 2005. If your LEMA is due or overdue for review, proceed to fulfil your obligations under the Act. For assistance, consult your local District Emergency Management Advisor. 

LEMA contact

Next Steps

Further details regarding the implementation activities included in the LEMA Improvement Program will be announced soon. For more information, please contact WALGA's Project Lead, Emergency Management, Catherine Feeney.

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