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Emergency Management Resources

It is a legislative requirement unique to Western Australia’s Bush Fires Act 1954 that Local Governments manage volunteer Bush Fire Brigades. 111 Western Australian Local Governments of varying size and capacity, manage 563 Bush Fire Brigades, totaling more than 20,000 volunteers.

Find A Volunteer Service | DFES

Bush Fire Brigades and Work Health and Safety 

The Work Health and Safety Act 2020 (WHS Act) was given Royal Assent in November 2020 and commenced in March 2022. A number of aspects of the WHS Act, particularly those that relate to Local Government’s responsibilities for volunteer Bush Fire Brigades, require further consideration by the sector and volunteers. 

Guidelines for Operating Private Equipment at Fires

The DFES Bushfire Centre of Excellence has released updated Guidelines for Operating Private Equipment to support operators to understand their responsibilities, and the associated risks, when responding to a bushfire. 

Fire-break Notice Guidance Note

WALGA and DFES have collaborated to prepare a Guidance Note - Section 33 Fire-break Notices to support Local Governments to produce a clear and enforceable Notice that aligns with regulatory requirements.

Example fire-break notices have been provided by the following Local Governments:


For information on DFES’ Bushfire Training Products and how Local Government officers can become a qualified DFES trainer assessor and deliver training locally, please read WALGA's Bushfire Training For Local Governments.

For further information, contact the Bushfire Centre of Excellence or your DFES regional office.

Emergency Management Webinars

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Emergency Management Courses

To assist Local Governments in this critically important task, WALGA offer Emergency Management training courses ranging from introductory, progressing to Community Disaster Recovery.

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