Roads 2040 Regional Development Strategies

Roads 2040 documents a strategic review of regionally significant Local Government roads and the development strategies for them.  This is the third five-yearly review of regional road development strategies and is intended to respond to the changes in demand on the road network.

Only projects on local roads included in Roads 2040 will be eligible for Road Project Grant funding under the State Road Funds to Local Government Agreement.

Download the Guidelines to Regional Road Groups 

The five-yearly review balances the need for a strategic approach to funding allocation with changes in demand on the road network within the region.  Should a Regional Road Group agree to seek an amendment to the endorsed road development strategy, this should be documented and endorsed by the State Road Funds to Local Government Advisory Committee. If an affected road crosses into another Region, agreement should be reached with the adjoining Regional Road Group on the proposed change.

A separate Main Roads WA process is required to amend the Functional Road Hierarchy category to reflect proposed changes to Roads 2040.

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