Native Vegetation

As land managers, service providers and regulators, Local Governments play an important role in seeking to balance infrastructure and community needs with environmental conservation and sustainability. 

WALGA produces a number of resources which are aimed at assisting Local Governments find this balance whilst managing native vegetation in their area.  

In 2019, Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) convened a Local Government Roadside Clearing Regulation (LGRCR) working group. The purpose of the Working Group is to provide technical advice and leadership on the regulation of roadside clearing of native vegetation by Local Governments under the Environmental Protection Act 1986.

 Members include one metropolitan Local Government, two non-metropolitan Local Governments, two representatives from DWER, one from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction, one from WALGA and one agreed non-Local Government representative as an observer 

Key priorities: 

  • Update and improve clearing regulations guidance material
  • Improve access by Local Government to relevant data
  • Identify opportunities to streamline assessment of low impact clearing
  • Encourage Strategic Purpose Permit approach
  • Identify options for developing a strategic approach to roadside clearing in the Wheatbelt and Swan Coastal Plain
  • Develop a roadside vegetation conservation education program. 

WALGA resources supporting consideration of native vegetation in decision making can be viewed here.  

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