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eLearning Course Overview
- In this important foundation course, we will assist you in your transition from private citizen to Councillor.
- You will gain valuable information and a greater understanding of your role and responsibilities, and Local Government protocols and procedures to help you fulfil your duties competently.
- Importantly, you will gain an overview of how the Local Government Act 1995 frames the systems and processes involved in the function of Local Government.
Target Audience
- A necessary course for newly Elected Members.
- Recommended for returning Elected Members to refresh and update their knowledge and understanding of their role within Local Government.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify how Local Government fits into the structure of Government in Australia;
- Understand the role of Elected Members;
- Distinguish between the strategic role of the Council and the day to day role of the Administration;
- Understand the legislative environment of Local Governments; and
- Raise awareness on how to participate confidently in Council and committee meetings.
Dates & Fees
- eLearning (enrol anytime, to complete within 3 months from date of enrolment).
- eLearning - $220.00 (plus GST) per person
- Up to 50 participants for 12 months via an eLearning Subscription.