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eLearning Course Overview
- Elected Members encounter ongoing pressure to be fully across their Council’s financial decisions and responsibilities.
- Often Elected Members will be urged to reduce rates, while keeping services to a high level and at the same time keep spending down!
- This course provides a practical understanding on how to review and interpret financial reports and budgets, as well as monitor revenue and expenditure. You will gain an understanding and discuss the benefits of financial forecasting; and realise the impact that key decision making has on the organisation’s financial health.
- Course material will outline the linkage between Strategic Planning, Asset Management Planning and Long Term Financial Planning.
Target Audience
- A necessary course for newly Elected Members.
- Recommended for returning Elected Members to refresh and update their knowledge and understanding of their role within Local Government.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand basic accounting principles and concepts;
- Analyse the roles and responsibilities of Council, Councillors, the CEO and Audit Committee;
- Apply strategic financial management; and
- Understand the imposition of rates, annual budgets and financial management reporting.
Dates & Fees
- eLearning (enrol anytime, to complete within 3 months from date of enrolment).
- eLearning - $350.00 (plus GST) per person
- Up to 50 participants for 12 months via an eLearning Subscription.
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