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eLearning Course Overview
- As an elected community representative and leader, Elected Members are required to make objective, unbiased decisions on matters affecting the whole community. Elected Members have a statutory obligation to declare any actual or perceived interests that may influence those decisions.
- This course outlines financial, indirect financial, proximity and impartiality interests; disclosure of interests at meetings; the importance of closely associated persons; and the link between gifts and conflicts of interest.
Target Audience
- A necessary course for newly Elected Members.
- Recommended for returning Elected Members to refresh and update their knowledge and understanding of their legal and ethical responsibilities in managing and disclosing interests.
Learning Outcomes
- Identify the types of interest that exist;
- Understand how an Elected Member can have an interest in a Council or committee matter;
- Evaluate the implications of different types of interest;
- Identify the critical people when considering interests; and
- Confidently locate helpful information.
Dates & Fees
- eLearning (enrol anytime, to complete within 3 months from date of enrolment).
- eLearning - $220.00 (plus GST) per person
- Up to 50 participants for 12 months via an eLearning Subscription.
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