
83 Wellington Street, Northam
Summit and Tour: $175
Summit only: $125
Tour only: $75
About the event
The Wheatbelt Waste and Environment Summit will bring high-profile speakers to the region as well as showcase local initiatives and opportunities.
Participants will also have the opportunity to workshop local waste management issues and opportunities with their colleagues from the region. Other topics explored will include Biosecurity, Biodiversity, Water and Climate change.
WALGA is pleased to welcome a range of speakers in the Waste and Environment space to this year’s summit, including:
- Kelly Howlett AM – Waste Authority WA
- Hon Sheila McHale AM - Chairperson, Containers for Change (WARRRL)
- Belinda Walker - Director Native Vegetation, Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER)
- Joe Mills - Regional Manager, Goldfields & Agricultural Region, Water Corporation
- Mia Carbon - Deputy Director General, Sustainability and Biosecurity, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- Emily Briggs - Deputy Director General, Climate and Sustainability
Participants will also have the opportunity to workshop local waste management issues and network opportunities with their colleagues from the region.
This event will bring together Local Government, State Government, business and the community to build relationships and share knowledge, to improve service delivery, social opportunities and environmental outcomes for local communities.
Registration closes Friday, May 24.
This event is delivered by WALGA and supported by the Shire of Northam, Waste Authority of WA, Containers for Change (WARRRL), Avon Waste, and Cooee Waste Facility Data Solutions.
Featured speakers
Hon Sheila McHale AM
Chairperson, WA Return Recycle Renew Ltd (WARRRL)

Belinda Walker
Director Native Vegetation, DWER

Joe Mills
Regional Manager, Goldfields & Agricultural Region, Water Corporation

Mia Carbon
Deputy Directory General, Sustainability and Biosecurity