Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy - Elected Member Consultation Workshop

Policy updates
Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy - Elected Member Consultation Workshop
Thursday, 02 May 2024
4:00PM - 5:30PM


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The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), in partnership with WALGA, is hosting an online workshop for Elected Members to provide input into the development of the Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy.

In early February, the State Government announced the development of the Perth and Peel Urban Greening Strategy, which is expected to be finalised by the end of 2024.

The Local Government sector is recognised as a key stakeholder to engage in the preparation of the Urban Greening Strategy.

The purpose of the workshop is to inform the State Government on how they can best support the existing and ongoing work of Local Government through the Urban Greening Strategy.

The workshop will explore the key issues, barriers and opportunities that Local Governments face when implementing urban greening initiatives, and identify the priority principles and initiatives the sector would like to see embedded in the strategy.

Elected Members from across the State are invited to participate. While the timeframe of the strategy limits the scope to the Perth and Peel Regions, it is anticipated that many elements will be applicable to regional areas for further scoping.

For more information, please contact WALGA's Planning team or call (08) 9213 2065.

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