60 Fraser Ave, Kings Park WA 6005
Non-Local Government - $210
About the event
WALGA is proud to present the annual Aboriginal Engagement Forum (AEF).
Since 2017, the AEF has provided the space for the WA Local Government sector and partners to embrace the principles of reconciliation and share our collective goal of creating positive outcomes for Aboriginal peoples and the wider community, through respectful Aboriginal and community engagement.
The theme for 2025 is Growing Together – unlocking the power of Local Government partnerships, celebrating the meaningful partnerships with industry, the community sector and governments that are transforming Local Government’s relationships with Aboriginal people and delivering positive impacts for all.
The Forum will bring Local Government Sector leaders from across WA into conversation with their key partners to share the keys to their successful collaborative projects that are contributing to stronger, empowered and more inclusive communities.
Set in the beautiful Kaarta Gar-up, this year's Forum will offer delegates a chance to start the day with a guided cultural walk with Whadjuk Noongar custodians.
Stay tuned as we announce speakers soon!