60 Fraser Ave, Kings Park WA 6005
Non-Local Government - $210
About the event
WALGA is proud to present the annual Aboriginal Engagement Forum (AEF).
Since 2017, the AEF has provided the space for the WA Local Government sector and partners to embrace the principles of reconciliation and share our collective goal of creating positive outcomes for Aboriginal peoples and the wider community, through respectful Aboriginal and community engagement.
This year’s Aboriginal Engagement forum, Doyntj-Doyntj Maladjiny | Growing Together will explore how we can unlock this collaborative power to form meaningful partnerships and transform relationships with Aboriginal people to deliver positive impacts for all.
The empowering program will bring together inspirational leaders, spotlight success stories and the lessons we can learn from them.
Elected members, staff and community leaders alike will come away with a tangible collection of ideas, connections and purpose to take back to their communities. For the first time, our Yarning Space will provide an outdoor hub on Kaarta Gar-up ground, providing a place to take some time to reflect or connect.
Registrations close 28th March, 2025
Download the program
Bring Your Community Partners Along
Embrace this year’s theme and shout your community collaborators a promotional ticket.
WALGA is pleased to offer a substantially discounted ticket rate for Local Governments who would like to fund an Aboriginal community leader or collaborator to attend the event.
As sponsored registration numbers are strictly limited, please ensure you have confirmed with the delegate that they are able to attend before submitting the registration and payment.
Nominate a community leader here

Fitzroy Recovery Working Group: Community Leadership in a Natural Disaster
Marmingee Hand, Co-Chair FVFR Working Group; Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation & Douglas D'Antoine, Shire of Derby West-Kimberley
Maali Boodjar, Young leaders take centre stage at NAIDOC Week Fashion Show
City of Swan, Farmer Designs & Midland Gate Shopping Centre
Ngalang Kadjin Moorditj: Our Spirit Strong
Aboriginal Youth Mentoring Program
Talent Pool Academy: Leverage and Legacy
Tim Turner, Royal Life Saving WA Senior Manager Regional Development