Through our State Election Priorities and extensive advocacy, WALGA has presented initiatives and solutions to keep the State running at its best in the areas of climate resilience, emergency management, low carbon, safer roads, connected and inclusive communities, efficient regulation, local planning, workforce development and Local Government reform.
West at its Best campaign was utilised across social, digital, out of home and outdoor media, worked to highlight the areas outlined in the 2025 State Election Priorities.
WALGA generated significant earned media with consistent mentions of WALGA President Karen Chappel each day of the campaign and paid media resulted in 4.6m impressions served across social, digital, out of home and outdoor media across WA.
To support this, WALGA also implemented a broad political engagement strategy in the lead up to the election, with meetings held with key Ministers, candidates, and the Opposition parties.
WALGA’s advocacy efforts were picked up by mainstream media outlets including The West Australian, which helped in showcasing the asks outlined across the campaign to the general public, amplifying our campaign efforts and political engagement.

As the authoritative voice and trusted partner for Western Australian Local Government, we look forward to working with the State Government and advocating to ensure issues impacting Local Government are addressed and that our Members are involved in decision making that affects their communities.
As the 2025 Federal election approaches, communities across Australia continue to face a range of challenges.
WALGA’s 2025 Federal Election Priorities, leveraging off the success of the State Election campaign, presents a plan to build community resilience through strategic investments and policy reforms in critical areas such as community infrastructure, coastal management, emergency management, regional health, road safety, and telecommunications.
To learn more about WALGA’s State and Federal Priorities visit:
West at its Best campaign was utilised across social, digital, out of home and outdoor media, worked to highlight the areas outlined in the 2025 State Election Priorities.
WALGA generated significant earned media with consistent mentions of WALGA President Karen Chappel each day of the campaign and paid media resulted in 4.6m impressions served across social, digital, out of home and outdoor media across WA.
To support this, WALGA also implemented a broad political engagement strategy in the lead up to the election, with meetings held with key Ministers, candidates, and the Opposition parties.
WALGA’s advocacy efforts were picked up by mainstream media outlets including The West Australian, which helped in showcasing the asks outlined across the campaign to the general public, amplifying our campaign efforts and political engagement.
As the authoritative voice and trusted partner for Western Australian Local Government, we look forward to working with the State Government and advocating to ensure issues impacting Local Government are addressed and that our Members are involved in decision making that affects their communities.
Labor Commitments
WALGA's State Election Campaign was successful in securing commitments for a number of important initiatives from the now re-elected State Government, aligned with the priorities outlined in WALGA's The West at its Best policy platform, including:- Expansion of the Regional Road Safety Program to local roads ($125 million)
- 23 new signalised crossing to replace warden-controlled children’s crossings ($17.7 million)
- Funding for six new Community Emergency Services Manager (CESM) positions ($3.5 million)
- Dedicated State Bushfire Mitigation Branch to undertake mitigation works on unallocated crown land, unmanaged reserves. Support Local Government to manage the risk on road verges and provide support during major incidents
- Commitment to double Perth's tree canopy cover to 30% by 2040, new urban canopy growth program ($10 million) and 'treebates' to encourage Western Australians to plant native trees
- Expansion of the Containers for Change program to include wine and spirits bottles
- Regional housing package, including new and refurbished social housing, additional GROH homes and stamp duty relief for first homebuyers ($145 million)
- Expansion of the PATS rebate by more than 50% and expansion to eligible services to include dental services and allied health ($34 million)
- Range of infrastructure projects to improve community sport and recreation facilities across the state , including $30 million additional funding for infrastructure upgrades to support women's participation in sport
As the 2025 Federal election approaches, communities across Australia continue to face a range of challenges.
WALGA’s 2025 Federal Election Priorities, leveraging off the success of the State Election campaign, presents a plan to build community resilience through strategic investments and policy reforms in critical areas such as community infrastructure, coastal management, emergency management, regional health, road safety, and telecommunications.
To learn more about WALGA’s State and Federal Priorities visit: