Congratulations to the 12 WA Local Government projects who were recently announced as recipients for Active Transport funding. This funding will greatly benefit local communities with more than $15 million to be invested across the State to build or upgrade existing bicycle and walking paths.
The aim of this important program is to encourage an increase in active transport through the upgrade of existing and construction of new bicycle and walking pathways across Australia.
The program has been created as part of the Australian Government’s commitment, under the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, to improve road safety outcomes for bicyclists and pedestrians. The program also supports the Australian Government’s commitment to reducing transport emissions and supporting active and liveable communities.
WALGA’s State Election Priorities called for funding to address gaps in the Long-Term Cycle Network to make it feasible and easier to travel by active modes.
View the WA project funding recipients.
Learn more about this program.
Read the full media statement.
The aim of this important program is to encourage an increase in active transport through the upgrade of existing and construction of new bicycle and walking pathways across Australia.
The program has been created as part of the Australian Government’s commitment, under the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30, to improve road safety outcomes for bicyclists and pedestrians. The program also supports the Australian Government’s commitment to reducing transport emissions and supporting active and liveable communities.
WALGA’s State Election Priorities called for funding to address gaps in the Long-Term Cycle Network to make it feasible and easier to travel by active modes.
View the WA project funding recipients.
Learn more about this program.
Read the full media statement.