Upcoming ER training in Kalgoorlie

Published on:
Friday, 22 September, 2023
Employee Relations

Upcoming training in Kalgoorlie - Register now!

WALGA Training along with the ER team will be running two courses in the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder during October. This is a wonderful opportunity for Local Governments in the region to undertake these specialised and popular courses in a face-to-face environment. 

State Employment Law Essentials - 10 October 2023
Register Now
You will leave this course with a stronger understanding of relevant State employment legislation and processes, and knowledge of the practical steps your Local Government can take to ensure compliance with the State employment law framework.

HR Toolkit for Managers (2 days) - 11 and 12 October 2023
Register Now
This interactive two-day program is specifically designed to equip people leaders working in Local Government with the essential human resources knowledge and skills as well as practical tips to effectively manage, motivate, and improve the performance and behaviours of their team.

For more information visit www.walga.asn.au/training or email training@walga.asn.au.

Complete the 2023 WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey 
The 2023-24 WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey is now open for participation until 10 November 2023.

Local Governments which subscribe to the ER service can complete the survey at no extra cost. More information about the survey, including the cost for non-subscribers to participate, can be found here.

To complete the survey, log into the online portal here. For queries regarding access, please email WALGA Employee Relations or call 1300 366 956.

PD Library
We have launched a position description (PD) library which is available to ER subscribers on the WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey online portal

ER subscribers are invited to upload PDs on the portal. Log into the portal here and navigate to PD Library --> Position Descriptions. 

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