The Department of Transport has released the evaluation report for the Bassendean Green Trail Pilot Project which shows significant benefits have been recognised for the community and learnings could be taken elsewhere.
The Bassendean Green Trail was a joint project of the Department of Transport, Main Roads WA and the Town of Bassendean and was aimed at blending path infrastructure with local surroundings, including native landscaping, as part of the Success Hill to Railway Parade principal shared path.
A landscape architect was engaged to design the greening scheme; the Bassendean community was also involved, helping to bed down 6,000 plants to create a scenic walking and riding route as well as shade.
The project also saw the installation of a digital art trail, showcasing the talents of young, local artists, which provides moments of engagement along the route.
Developing paths that are visually appealing and green plays an important role in encouraging and keeping people to walk, wheel and ride.
The outcomes achieved in Bassendean suggest it could be successful elsewhere. The evaluation summary reports of unanimous support among respondents for implementing green routes along active transport routes in other communities.
The summary report can be found on the Department of Transport website.