Tickets now available for the Zero Homelessness Summit

Published on:
Tuesday, 2 July, 2024
Tickets now available for the Zero Homelessness Summit

The biennial Australian Zero Homelessness Summit, co-hosted by the Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (AAEH) and the Western Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (WAAEH), brings together organisations, communities and individuals committed to ending homelessness.

Hosted on Wednesday, 16 October, the Summit provides an opportunity for people and organisations across a broad range of sectors, industries and levels of government to come together and work towards an end to homelessness in Australia.

The Summit will facilitate the opportunity to hear directly from communities around the world that have ended homelessness or are making significant progress towards this goal.

It will also showcase the efforts of Australian communities working to end homelessness through Advance to Zero (AtoZ), as well as other initiatives under the WAAEH’s 10-year Strategy and the AAEH’s Allied Networks.

Some of the speakers at the Summit will include:

  • Rosanne Haggerty, President and CEO of Community Solutions, housing and community development leader and founder of the Common Ground model of permanent supportive housing from the United States
  • Lorraine McGrath, CEO of Simon Community Scotland, who has been closely involved in the homelessness reform efforts and progress made in Glasgow, Scotland
  • Leaders from across the ending homelessness movement in Australia


  • Wednesday, 16 October, 8:00am-5:00pm: Australian Zero Homelessness Summit - The Esplanade Hotel Fremantle
  • Wednesday 16 October, 5:00pm-7:30pm: Summit networking event at Harbourside Freo

For more information and to register, click here.

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