Since 2020, WA has seen an increasing number of complex recoveries requiring more involvement of the State Government alongside Local Governments, who are responsible for managing recovery following an emergency affecting the community in its district, under the Emergency Management Act 2005. These include COVID-19, the Kimberley Floods, Wooraloo Bushfire, and Cyclone Seroja.
The proposed arrangements incorporate lessons learned from recent recoveries and contemporary best practice. They clearly define recovery arrangements, roles and responsibilities and clarify the ways in which State agencies work with Local Governments to support community recovery and what type of support can be expected.
To learn more about these proposed changes, please register for an information session happening throughout February:
Consultation closes on 5PM Friday, 2 May.
For details, to register for an information session go to:
The proposed arrangements incorporate lessons learned from recent recoveries and contemporary best practice. They clearly define recovery arrangements, roles and responsibilities and clarify the ways in which State agencies work with Local Governments to support community recovery and what type of support can be expected.
To learn more about these proposed changes, please register for an information session happening throughout February:
- Tuesday, 11 and 18 February
- Thursday, 13 and 20 February
- Wednesday, 26 February
Consultation closes on 5PM Friday, 2 May.
For details, to register for an information session go to: