Share your stories with Local Lens

Published on:
Wednesday, 29 May, 2024
WALGA updates
Share your stories with Local Lens

WALGA is calling for photo submissions from Local Governments for the Local Lens section of Western Councillor.
By sharing your amazing stories, achievements, and initiatives, you allow us to showcase the incredible and important contributions Local Governments deliver to the community time and time again.  
Submissions must include a short blurb and caption to sit alongside the provided image as highlighted in the below requirements. We will also be recognising authors and contributors by attributing submissions to the relevant Local Government officers. 


Photos: 500kb minimum, 5Mb maximum
Text: 50 words minimum, 100 words maximum
Caption: Name all the people in the image and their title
Attribution: Please provide the names of all staff who contributed to the Local Lens submission

Please send all submissions to [email protected].

To read the latest Western Councillor, click here.

Please note WALGA's Media and Communications team will be forming a resource library from photos submitted that may be drawn on to represent Local Government online and in WALGA publications. Please inform the Media and Communications Team if any submitted photos cannot be used for this resource library.

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