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Regulation Changes Covering Road Work during Total Fire Bans Implemented

Published on:
Tuesday, 13 February, 2024
Emergency Management

Following consultation with WALGA and Local Governments, Main Roads and contractors, the Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) have removed all conditions on conducting road works during a Total Fire Ban, except for:

1. Regulation 24Y:  road work remains prescribed for the purposes of section 22B(2) of the Bush Fires Act 1954; meaning business, industry and public authorities (which include Local Governments) can continue to conduct road work during a total fire ban without requiring an exemption.

2. Regulation 24ZA: road work must stop during a Total Fire Ban where there is a Catastrophic fire danger rating – with exceptions for essential services.

3. Regulation 24ZB: notification is still required via the online notification form which notifies DFES and the Local Government where the works are occurring during a Total Fire Ban. If working within 3kms of DBCA managed land, notification to DBCA is also required.

Local Governments should continue to employ their own thorough risk assessment and risk management practices that consider fire prevention and mitigation when programming road works during a Total Fire Ban.

Additional information can be found on the DFES website. The DFES road work factsheet may be particularly useful for Local Governments.

Please contact Max Bushell, Policy Officer Road Safety and Infrastructure, on 9213 2068, with any questions.

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