Proposed Changes to the Regulations on Performing Road Works during a Total Fire Ban

Published on:
Tuesday, 24 October, 2023
Emergency Management

Recent changes to the Australian Fire Danger Rating System and DFES internal policies have resulted in an increase in the number of Total Fire Bans declared across Western Australia.

This increase has resulted in frequent and substantive impacts to road works on Local Government roads with a consequent loss of productivity and increased risk for road users, as road repair issues are not able to be addressed in a timely fashion.

DFES have identified some potential changes to the current regulations and are organising information sessions to provide detailed information and seek feedback on the proposed changes. 

If you are interested in this issue, please register your interest in attending an information workshop at [email protected].

These workshops will provide an opportunity to ask questions, share your Local Government’s perspective, and provide feedback.

Please contact Max Bushell, Policy Officer Road Safety and Infrastructure, on 9213 2068, with any questions.

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