Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) Grant Program recipients announced

Published on:
Saturday, 29 June, 2024
Emergency Management
Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) Grant Program recipients announced

The State Government recently announced that 27 Local Governments will share in $4 Million bushfire mitigation funding in the first round of the 2024-25 Mitigation Activity Fund (MAF) Grant Program.

Local Governments have a significant role in mitigating bushfire risk in their communities.

The MAF program enables Local Governments to undertake this important work on Crown Land they manage on behalf of the State.

The number of eligible Local Governments with an endorsed BRMP has more than doubled from 35 in 2019 to 83 in 2024 and this number is set to grow further, increasing the demand for the limited MAF Funding.

For more information, click here.

WALGA is calling for the MAF to be increased to $15 million per annum and for the program to be expanded to include community education and resilience building, bushfire risk management planning, and assets to build local capacity for mitigation work.

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