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Mayoral Alliance for the Pacific

Published on:
Tuesday, 13 August, 2024
Mayoral Alliance for the Pacific
The Mayoral Alliance for the Pacific, co-founded by Welcoming Australia and Leeton Shire Council, aims to equip Local Governments to engage more effectively in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) Scheme and deliver better outcomes for communities, employers, and workers.

The Alliance will discuss, develop and promote a cohesive Local Government voice based on the PALM Scheme's benefits and challenges to ensure better economic, social, and cultural outcomes for all community members.  
The Mayors and Shire Presidents of all Councils that are engaged with the PALM Scheme are invited to join the Alliance.
Mayors, or a representative, are invited to join an information session to answer any questions and discuss the draft goals and roadmap for the Alliance.
The two current sessions are:
  • Wednesday, 14 August at 11.45 AM AWST
  • Wednesday, 21 August 9:00AM AWST WA
To register for the information session email Sebastian Geers –
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