Invitation to attend a consultation session on the Review of Regional Migration

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Tuesday, 9 July, 2024
Invitation to attend a consultation session on the Review of Regional Migration

The Australian Government’s Migration Strategy outlined a new vision for Australia’s migration system. 

This included a policy roadmap containing 8 key actions, and over 25 new policy commitments and areas for future reform. 

Local Governments are invited to attend an online consultation session on the Review of the Regional Migration Settings on Wednesday, 17 July 2024. 

Date: Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Where: Online

Register: here

The webinar will seek views on how to improve regional migration settings to support strong and sustainable regions, while complementing existing Government initiatives. 
The session will focus on the discussion of the Department’s published consultation paper Review of the Regional Migration Settings Discussion Paper with Local Government.

It proposes objectives for regional migration, suggests opportunities where regional migration could work better, and outlines questions on which the Government is seeking feedback from stakeholders. 

Please direct any questions to 

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