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Increase to Industry Allowance in the ME Award

Published on:
Monday, 8 July, 2024
Employee Relations

Industry Allowance in the Municipal Employees (WA) Award 2021 increased to $34.82

On 21 June 2024 Senior Commissioner Cosentino of the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC) issued an order increasing the amount of the industry allowance in clause 19.5.1 of the Municipal Employees (Western Australia) Award 2021 (ME Award) from $21.82 to $34.82. The increase was applied as a result of an application by the Local Government, Racing and Cemeteries Employees Union (LGRCEU). The reasons for the decision can be found here.

The industry allowance is to compensate for disabilities on construction and maintenance work. The amount of the allowance had not been adjusted since the ME Award was made as an interim award in 2011. The quantum of the increase aligned the industry allowance with the adverse conditions allowance in the Local Government Industry Award 2020 Federal award for Level 1.

Local Governments which apply the ME Award must ensure the increased amount of the industry allowance is paid to employees where applicable, in accordance with clause 19.5, from the beginning of the first pay period commencing on or after 21 June 2024. WALGA ER can be contacted to assist with determining if this increase is applicable to your Local Government.

If you have any questions about this alert, please email WALGA Employee Relations or call 1300 366 956.

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