Grants awarded to improve early childhood outcomes

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Wednesday, 19 June, 2024
Grants awarded to improve early childhood outcomes

$889,686 has been awarded to 12 Local Governments across the State for programs tailored to the needs of individual communities.

The Local Government Australian Early Development Census Grants Program is funded by the Commonwealth Government and in partnership with the Western Australian Government and WALGA. 

The Australian Early Development Census (AEDC) provides vital information which supports Local Governments to shape early childhood initiatives and policies in their community. 

The AEDC data provides a whole-of-population measure of children's development across five domains and assists Western Australian communities to understand how their young children are developing.

The sixth national data collection for the AEDC is currently underway in schools. 

The successful grant recipients will deliver a range of projects which include:

  • development of Early Years Action Plans
  • delivery of targeted literacy programs and educational programs focused on the AEDC
  • employment of Early Years Coordinators
  • development and expansion of Early Years Networks, and
  • delivery of programs specifically targeted at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

Local Governments will work in partnership with families, Early Years Networks, Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations, schools, Early Childhood Education and Care providers, playgroups, and other locally based Government and non-Government organisations to address the developmental needs of young children.

Local Government Australian Early Development Census Grants Program 2024 Grant recipients

Below is a list of the project that each Local Governmment will undertake with their allocated grant.

City of Swan

Swan Strong - A Smart Start for the Early Years: The City of Swan will undertake a multi-faceted, collaborative approach to improve AEDC outcomes for children and develop and implement a Children and Families Action Plan.

Shire of Carnarvon

Shire of Carnarvon - Early Years Facilitator: The Shire of Carnarvon will employ an Early Years Facilitator to develop and maintain a partnership with the Gascoyne Early Years Network (GEYN) which will contribute towards expanding the GEYN operations whilst running early years outreach programs. The Early Years Facilitator will also participate in face-to-face AEDC training sessions and regular online peer support sessions, allowing them to provide best advice and support to GEYN.

City of Karratha

City of Karratha - Early Years Strategy: The City of Karratha will create an Early Years Strategy aimed at enhancing the development of children aged 0-5 and their families. The Early Years Strategy will provide a roadmap for the City of Karratha’s commitment to supporting, advocating and enabling early childhood development.

City of Wanneroo

It's All About You and Me: The City of Wanneroo’s project will provide targeted place-based sessions, community-based education, take-home resources, and AEDC information sessions that aim to increase families understanding of development milestones, enhance community connection and improve developmental outcomes for children.

City of Mandurah

Paint Mandjoogoordap REaD: The City of Mandurah, in conjunction with the Mandurah Early Years Action Group and other stakeholders, will launch a Paint the Town REaD initiative. The initiative is an evidence based, best practice, place-based, early years literacy movement encouraging people to read to their children from birth.

City of Armadale

Armadale – AEDC Aware: The City of Armadale will engage City of Armadale Councillors and staff, community members and stakeholders to inform the community of the purpose of the AEDC and how community results can support families, children’s service providers and community decision makers to make evidence-informed decisions that affect children and create opportunities for local children aged 0-5 to develop through play and neighbourhood connection.

City of Kwinana

Community-Informed Action Planning - Kwinana Early Years (CIAP-KEY): The City of Kwinana will develop a Community Informed Action Plan to address early years development, including the development of Early Years Goals which the whole community can align to and leverage from.

City of Kalamunda

The Zig Zag AEDC Program: The City of Kalamunda’s project will be a multi-layered targeted response to the evidenced increase in vulnerabilities within the AEDC domains, with a collaboration between the City of Kalamunda, Zig Zag Early Years Partnerships and local services through connection, information sharing and empowerment initiatives.

Shire of Harvey

Nature Tales and Trails: The Shire of Harvey will undertake Nature Tales and Trails which is a holistic early years intervention program integrating play and connection to enhance AEDC domains prioritising physical health and wellbeing and social competence. The project is an innovative and engaging family-based program designed to promote emotional and mental wellbeing, physical exercise, healthy eating, and connectedness to the community for children in the early years.

Shire of Collie

Collie Early Years Network & Paint the Town REaD: The Shire of Collie will employ an Early Years Coordinator to re-establish a Collie Early Years Network and implement a Paint the Town REaD initiative to improve AEDC results in the Local Government area.

City of Fremantle

Early Years in Fremantle - Research & Mapping: The City of Fremantle will employ an Early Years Community Development Officer to consult with the Fremantle community for the mapping and identification of local early years services, assets, and programs which will lead to the development of an Early Years Strategy Plan and establishment of a Fremantle Early Years Network.

Shire of Broome

Little Bubba Yarns - Bookish Play the Deadly Way - AEDC Focus: The Shire of Broome will continue their unique First Nations Story-time library program for 0-5 year olds at the Broome Public Library to improve local AEDC results.

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