Family and Domestic Violence Leave Review

Published on:
Friday, 10 September, 2021
Employee Relations

Currently all Local Governments who operate in the Federal industrial relations system are required to provide all employees with access to 5 days’ unpaid FDVL per year under the National Employment Standards (NES).  The LGIA adopts the NES 5 days’ unpaid FDVL.

The FDVL Review focuses on the following issues:

  1. Whether employees should be able to access paid personal/carer’s leave for the purpose of taking FDVL;
  2. The adequacy of the unpaid FDVL entitlement; and
  3. Whether provisions should be made for paid FDVL.

As part of the FDVL Review the FWC is seeking information:

  1. On FDVL terms in enterprise agreements;
  2. Employee experience of family and domestic violence; and
  3. From employers on the use and operation of the unpaid FDVL.

To date several parties have made submissions to the FDVL Review to vary modern awards to include 10 days’ paid FDVL.

You can find all relevant information about the FWC FDVL review here, including the submissions. For your convenience we have prepared a summary of the submissions which you can find here.

WALGA Local Government Sector – Family and Domestic Violence Leave Survey

WALGA has developed a survey which seeks your feedback and views on whether employees should be able to access paid personal/carer’s leave for the purpose of taking FDVL, the adequacy of the unpaid FDVL entitlement and whether provisions should be made for paid FDVL. The survey also seeks information on the type of support and entitlements that Local Governments provide to employees who have experienced or are experiencing family and domestic violence.

Your feedback is very important to us as it will determine if it is necessary for WALGA to make a submission to the FWC and the advocacy position that WALGA should take in that submission.

We kindly ask you to complete the survey by COB on 1 October 2021. We ask that each Local Government only completes the survey once.

To complete the survey, please click here.

Although the FDVL Review only applies to Local Governments in the Federal industrial relations system Local Governments that operate in the State industrial relations system are encouraged to provide their feedback as this is a sector wide issue and the results will assist in other policy areas and employee relations advice.  

We appreciate your time and effort in completing this survey.

If you have any questions about this alert, please email WALGA Employee Relations or call 1300 366 956.

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