DFES Bushfire Fundamentals and Rural Fire Awareness online learning

Published on:
Tuesday, 12 December, 2023
Emergency Management

The Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES) Bushfire Centre of Excellence Training team is pleased to announce the release of Online Bushfire Fundamentals and Online Rural Fire Awareness to the public.
These two courses cater to individuals interested in learning more about bushfire. They are accessible via a public-facing portal to the DFES Learning and Development e-Academy portal
The Bushfire Fundamentals course offers an overview covering bushfire characteristics and behaviour, bushfire safety and survival, the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS) and the role of WA fire agencies in bushfire response.
Primarily intended for government agency staff involved in bushfire response, DFES Corporate personnel supporting Incident Management Teams at bushfires, and those in State Operations Centre roles, this course delivers a basic awareness of bushfire to be better prepared for the bushfire season.
The Rural Fire Awareness course covers similar topics to the Bushfire Fundamentals course. However, its focus is directed more towards farmer response brigades and seasonal workers, delivering basic awareness of fireground safety, suppression strategies and ensuring personal safety during fireground operations.
The courses can be completed in 2-3 hours and allow for multiple sessions. Participants will receive an email as evidence of course completion.
Both courses offered online are accessible and compatible across multiple platforms, including PCs, tablets, and mobile phones.
For more information about the courses, you can find details in the information sheets attached for Bushfire Fundamentals and Rural Fire Awareness. They are also available online.
These online courses represent a significant milestone in enhancing accessibility to bushfire training and aim to engage diverse groups of participants fostering greater preparedness in Western Australian communities.
For more information, please email [email protected]

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