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Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) recipients announced

Published on:
Monday, 18 December, 2023

27 sport and recreation projects throughout Western Australia will benefit from more than $2.1 million in funding from the Cook Government's latest small grants round.
The grants from the July round of Community Sporting and Recreation Facilities Fund (CSRFF) and Club Night Lights Program (CNLP) support vital community projects including pool renovations, upgrades to change room facilities, resurfacing works, and lighting installation.
Congratulations to the Shire of Three Springs, Shire of Dardanup, City of Bunbury, Shire of Gingin, Shire of Cunderdin, Shire of Wyalkatchem, Shire of Bruce Rock, Town of Mosman Park, and the City of Vincent for their successful CSRFF grants.
WALGA’s State Budget Submission calls for an increase to the Community Sport and Recreation Facilities Fund to $25 million per annum to meet the needs of the State’s growing population and publish a 10-year regional-level sporting plan.
Increasing the CSRFF allows the State to meet the growing demand for sport and recreation facilities, generate economic activity and employment, and improve community health, wellbeing and social inclusion.
Sport and recreation facilities offer well-documented health and well-being benefits and serve as central community hubs, particularly in regional areas.
Investment in these facilities leads to broader advantages, including reduced health and welfare costs, lower crime rates, increased employment opportunities, and economic growth.

For more information, click here.

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