Changes to Off-Road Vehicles Legislation

Published on:
Tuesday, 25 June, 2024
Changes to Off-Road Vehicles Legislation

New laws to enable online registrations of off-road vehicles (ORVs) have been introduced to State Parliament.
The Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Amendment Bill 2024 updates legislation to make it easier for riders to register their ORVs and increases penalties for existing offences such as riding in prohibited areas or riding an unregistered ORV.
WALGA supports further clarification on the use of ORVs, particularly with the growing use of electric vehicles and use of ORVs by under-16s.
Funds provided through ORV registration fees can be utilised by Local Governments to build, upgrade, and maintain ORV areas. WALGA looks forward to receiving information on how Local Governments can access these funds to better support their communities.

Read the Media Release

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