2022-2023 WALGA Salary Survey Reports Now Available

Published on:
Monday, 13 March, 2023
Employee Relations

The 2022 – 2023 WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey reports are now available to download on the survey portal.

This year, there are three (3) separate reports comprising of the following volumes: 

  • Volume 1: Remuneration Report;
  • Volume 2: Workforce Profile Report; and
  • Volume 3: Metrics and Workforce Priorities Report. 

Local Government Survey Participants

Local Governments that paid to participate in the survey have full access to the three reports.

Access Survey Portal

Didn't pay for the survey but you want access to the Salary and Workforce reports?

Local Governments that didn’t participate in the 2022 – 2023 WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey can purchase the three survey reports.   FIND OUT MORE

Why should my Local Government complete the survey?

WALGA conducts the Local Government sector’s most comprehensive salary and workforce survey in Australia. The collective survey results can help guide your recruitment and remuneration strategies, inform workforce plans and help to measure performance across key HR metrics.

78 Local Governments participated in the 2022 – 2023 WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey. The more Local Governments who participate, the greater the quality of the resulting data.

WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey Portal Demonstration

Enquiries & Support

For enquiries about purchasing the WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey email Employee Relations or phone 1300 366 956.

For access and support enquiries about navigating the web portal email Salary One or phone 1300 029 421.

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