Online - CoastWA Local Government Training – CHRMAP Implementation

Policy updates
Online - CoastWA Local Government Training – CHRMAP Implementation
Wednesday, 19 Jun 2024
9:30AM - 11:30AM
via Zoom


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The implementation plan is the final stage of developing a Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP). This training will cover what should be included in an implementation plan, common actions and land use planning instruments, examples and case studies, how to prioritise actions, addressing funding requirements and common challenges for implementation.

There are two sessions available for this training. To view the in-person session, click here.

As part of CoastWA the CoastWA Training Series builds capacity of coastal decision makers and supports Local Governments to develop and implement coastal hazard risk management and adaptation plans (CHRMAP).

The CHRMAP Implementation training module is the final module for 2023-24. The implementation plan is a key component of a Coastal Hazard Risk Management and Adaptation Plan (CHRMAP). This training will cover what should be included in an implementation plan, common actions and land use planning instruments, examples and case studies, how to prioritise actions, addressing funding requirements and common challenges for implementation.

The module can be attended online or in-person. Note the same content is delivered in both the in-person and online session so you only need to book one session.

Previous CoastWA training modules are available to view online.

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