Feedback Trial: an intervention to reduce road crashes

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Tuesday, 25 June, 2024
Feedback Trial: an intervention to reduce road crashes

A new intervention trial is underway by the WA Centre for Road Safety Research, which aims to reduce road crashes among young drivers, by using technology to monitor driving and provide feedback.

The FEEDBACK Trial builds on previous research, which showed that feedback and incentives can reduce important indicators of crash risk, like speeding, drowsy driving, and harsh braking and acceleration.

The study is seeking 1,805 participants aged 18-20 years across WA who hold a P1 licence, have access to a vehicle they drive regularly, and an iOS or Android smartphone.

It is being run nationally by The University of Melbourne, University of Western Australia, Queensland University of Technology and Monash University in partnership with The Transport Accident Commission VIC and the Departments of Transport of NSW, WA and QLD.

For more information and to take part, visit:

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