Salary and Workforce Survey 2024/25

WALGA's Salary & Workforce Survey results are available!

The 2024-2025 WALGA Salary and Workforce survey is now closed, and the results are now available to view on the survey portal.

First introduced 25 years ago, the survey has become the Local Government sector’s most comprehensive salary and workforce survey in WA.

Complete the survey

You are invited to participate in the annual WALGA Salary & Workforce Survey.

The results provide a comprehensive report detailing remuneration and workforce data, and HR metrics for Local Governments in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. The survey results also help guide recruitment and remuneration strategies, workforce planning and performance measurement across key HR metrics.

WALGA offers this survey exclusively free of cost for our subscribing members.

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Why should my Local Government complete the survey?

The WALGA Salary and Workforce Survey has been conducted annually for over 25 years, with 78 Local Governments participating last year.

The more Local Governments who participate, the greater the quality of the resulting data:

  • Salaries - Over 4,000 salaries in up to 160 common Local Government roles.
  • Remuneration – Superannuation, allowances, motor vehicles.
  • Workforce – Workforce profile and diversity.
  • HR Metrics – Employee turnover and leave liability.
  • Organisation – Corporate services and governance staffing levels and workforce priorities.

How to Participate

Subscribers to WALGA Employee Relations
Subscribers to WALGA Employee Relations
For WALGA ER subscribers, if you participate in the survey you will receive full access to the portal with customised benchmarking and salary searching capabilities, at no additional cost. If you don't participate in the survey, there is a cost to access the survey data.
Non-Subscribers to WALGA Employee Relations
Non-Subscribers to WALGA Employee Relations
Want to participate in the survey? You’ll receive full access to the portal including customised benchmarking and salary searching capabilities for a fee. Don't want to participate in the survey, but want access to the results? A fee is payable and access to the results will be more limited.
Northern Territory Local Governments
Northern Territory Local Governments
Participating in the survey? You’ll receive full access to the portal including customised benchmarking and salary searching capabilities. A fee is payable. Don't want to participate in the survey, but want access to the results? A fee is payable and access to the results will be more limited.

Fee Structure

  Survey Participant Survey Non-Participant
ER Subscribers
  • Full access
  • Customised benchmarking
  • Salary search
  • No additional fee
  • Full access
  • Salary search
  • Full fee

Local Government Category Full Fee (ex GST)
WA SAT Band 1 $1,912
WA SAT Band 2 $1,730
WA SAT Band 3 $1,560
WA SAT Band 4 $1,130
Should you wish to become a subscriber to the WALGA ER service, please email WALGA Employee Relations or call 1300 366 956.

Local Government Category Full Fee (ex GST)
NT Band 1 (over 300 employees) $1,912
NT Band 2 (200-300 employees) $1,730
NT Band 3 (100-200 employees) $1,560
NT Band 4 (up to 99 employees) $1,130

Frequently Asked Questions

WALGA conducts the Local Government sector’s most comprehensive salary and workforce survey in Australia. The collective survey results can help guide your recruitment and remuneration strategies, inform workforce plans and help measure performance across key HR metrics.

Increased participation enhances the quality of results. The collective data aids in shaping recruitment, remuneration, and workforce strategies, facilitating performance measurement across key HR metrics.

The survey collects Local Government HR and salary metrics on the following:

  • Salaries – Over 4,000 salaries in up to 160 common Local Government roles.
  • Remuneration – Superannuation, allowances, motor vehicles.
  • Workforce – Workforce profile and diversity.
  • HR Metrics – Employee turnover and leave liability.
  • Organisation – Corporate services and governance staffing levels and workforce priorities.

Results can be viewed in a customisable dashboard for your Local Government. This allows our members to search for salaries across a large range of Local Government positions for benchmarking and recruitment. 

Please log in to the online web portal (powered by SalaryOne) to complete the survey. Your Local Government can have up to four users, who can log in and complete sections of the survey.

For any queries regarding access, please email WALGA Employee Relations or call 1300 366 956. 

For any log-in issues, please email SalaryOne or phone 1300 029 421.

WALGA Employee Relations (ER) Subscribers

If you participate in this survey, you will receive full access to the online portal with customised benchmarking and salary searching capabilities at no additional cost.

If you don’t participate in the survey but wish to purchase the survey data when it is released next year, fees are outlined below:

  • SAT Band 1         $1,912 ex GST
  • SAT Band 2        $1,730 ex GST
  • SAT Band 3         $1,560 ex GST
  • SAT Band 4         $1,130 ex GST

To participate in the survey, please email a purchase order in accordance with the below table to WALGA Employee Relations.

This will give you full access to the online portal to complete the survey, to view survey results and to access customised benchmarking and salary searching capabilities, other information and resources.

  • SAT Band 1         $1,912 ex GST
  • SAT Band 2         $1,730 ex GST
  • SAT Band 3         $1,560 ex GST
  • SAT Band 4         $1,130 ex GST

Access to the WALGA and Salary Workforce Survey portal is offered free of charge for our members that subscribe to the WALGA Employee Relations (ER) service.

Should you wish to become a subscriber to the WALGA ER service, please email WALGA Employee Relations or call 1300 366 956.

Your Local Government can have up to four portal users, any of whom can log-in and complete sections of the survey. The primary user of the portal can manage the log-in details for all users.

SalaryOne ensures the security, integrity and privacy of information submitted to and displayed on the portal. All access is subject to stringent login, authentication, and date encryption technology. Apart from the salary search, all data is aggregated and mostly shown as percentile ranges.

Only Local Governments that participate in the survey (or purchase the survey) will have full access to the portal and survey results.

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Have a question?

Contact the WALGA Employee Relations team for help. You can call us at 1300 366 956 or email us below.

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