Showcase your business at WALGA’s Local Government Convention (LGC24).
The WALGA Local Government Convention and Exhibition is a landmark event in the Local Government calendar.
We bring together Elected Members, suppliers, Local Government staff and key stakeholders as part of a specially curated program of professional development, networking, and business opportunities.
As a Preferred Supplier, the Convention Exhibition provides a unique opportunity to meet Council representatives and showcase the latest innovations and technologies across the sector – so we want to see you there!
WALGA invites you to take part in our 2024 Exhibition from Tuesday, October 8 to Thursday, October 10, 2024 and help us deliver an elevated experience to the sector.
An elevated experience for exhibitors
This year’s Convention will take place in our new home at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre and we’re putting our Preferred Suppliers right in the heart of the action. You can expect:
- Members of the Preferred Supplier Program (PSP) come together under one roof in a one-stop exhibitor showcase of services, gadgets and big toys
- Dedicated info desk for exhibitors to ensure someone is always on hand to assist
- Extended bump-in time
- Increased exposure to delegates
- A modern, streamlined registration process and digital check-in
- Lead generation tools in our brand-new event platform
- Flexibility with exhibitor passes to accommodate your rostered company reps
- All delegate and exhibitor meals and,
- Welcome drinks function hosted in the exhibition pavilion to ensure a steady captive audience

Stand out from the crowd!
Our range of booth sizes and types allows you the flexibility to create a space that will perfectly showcase your brand.
We offer the option of traditional structured booths or more fluid space/display sites for bespoke equipment.
To get the most out of your Convention experience, we encourage you to get creative with your booth design and be proactive in interacting with delegates.
How to Book Your Booth
Navigate to the Select Your Booth tab to select your booth type and preferred location.
Navigate to the Exhibitor Uploads tab.
Here, you can upload your exhibitor information (company bio, logo, brochures etc) using the checklist at the bottom of the page.
We encourage our exhibitors to upload information early, as this means you will be up in lights in front of delegates as soon as the event app and microsite are launched.
Exhibitor information should be uploaded by no later than September 8, 2024.
Navigate to the Invoices and Payment tab to finalise payment for your booking.
Click the Generate Invoice button to generate a combined invoice. Once the invoice has been generated, click Pay Now.
You may choose to pay by credit card or opt to receive an invoice. You can also enter a Purchase Order number at this step.
Please note that your selected booth is not fully secured until payment has been made. Your booth may be released if payment is not made by the due date.
Navigate to the Manage Booking tab.
Here you can view your bookings, edit information and add exhibitor passes for representatives who will be manning your booth over the course of the Exhibition.
Exhibitor passes cover daily meals, refreshments and entry to the official Welcome Drinks Function including food and beverage.
Passes will be in the generic company name only so that they can be transferred between rostered staff. Simply purchase the number of passes you need to cover the maximum number of staff that will be at your booth at any one time.
At this step, you can also purchase optional tickets to the Convention social functions, including the Cocktail Gala on October 9 and the Featured Speaker Breakfast on October 10.
Navigate to the Floor Plan tab.
Here you can view your location and view the list of other exhibitors who have signed up for the Exhibition.
Please note: The Convention Exhibition is intended for members of the WALGA Preferred Supplier Program as well as community groups and stakeholders.
If you are a corporate organisation wanting to be part of the exhibition but not currently a member of the WALGA Preferred Supplier Program, please contact the WALGA events team to discuss your company prior to making a booking.
If you are a not-for-profit or community organisation looking to book a booth, please contact the events team once you have selected your booth to access the discounted booking rate.
If you require assistance using the Exhibition Portal or have any questions, please contact [email protected].